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Monday, June 29, 2009

God's Behaving Badly

Where and what would the gods be in this time and age?

Gods behaving badly is someone corny and cliche for someone like me. Its a story about the Olympian gods fallen from mt. olympius and losing their powers ever since Christianity is born in earth. Although these gods still have little power to be able to do their functions. Yes, unfortunately even after humans/mortals stopped believing in them and replaced them with Christianity they still try to do the jobs that they were born to do.

Take aphroditte, the goddes of love and beauty... now working as a phone sex operator. And there is Artimes who is now a proffesional dog walker. Apollo a t.v. pyschic and so on and so forth. The story is about these greek gods forced to live in a shabby house in london. Artimes hired a cleaner which apollo fell inlove with and he was turned down by this mortal. Knowing apollo, he coaxed zues to kill alice "the cleaner". Eventually everything turned worst to bad when apollo wanted to prove his god hood to neil the boyfriend-to-be of alice. In the process in proving his the god of sun, he manage to turn the sun off and put himself into a coma bringing the earth into darkness and would freeze earth to an end. Now its up for niel to be the hero to save the world.

The book is somewhat corny as i mentioned above. however it is rather funny and amusing if you are looking for something to read to let time pass you by. Its a good thing this book only cost around php200 coz its just really worth its price. The concept of the story is rather obvious, while these greek gods thought that they are getting old and with it getting weak and losing their powers... The real reason why it is happening is because mortals have stoped believing in them. A lot of fiction books has the same context. Gods loosing their godhood because nobody is worshipping them anymore.

So i wonder, with the rising of the wiccan religion that would mean that some people are starting to believe in the gods of the old worlds and actually starting worshipping them, could it be that a couple of years from now the gods of the old days will once again be powerful enough to claim what was rightfully theres in the first place before christianity robbed them from thier thrones?

mmmmmm points to ponder.

Friday, June 26, 2009


I have been a fan of Neil Gaiman for quite sometime now. Everybody knows his the creator of the The Endless Siblings and of Dream and his sexy lovely sister Death. In this book of his titled "NEVERWHERE". Its like Alice meets Dorothy. Enter Richard Mayhew, ordinary office man in london who has a fiance which only thinks for herself and for her sucess. One day Richard saved a mysterious girl which it changed his life completely. Now why do some reviews say that NEVERWHERE is like Alice in Wonderland with NG style. First its because Door the mysterious girl is like the white rabbit whom Richard found and followed through out the story. The London Below setting is more like Wonderland because it is inhabited by interesting incentrict people, being the Earl's Court as the white queen and Ishlington as the red queen.. "OFF WITH THIER HEAD". Mr. Croup and Mr. Valdimore could be Twildy and Twildum. LOL. Now why Dorothy in wizard of OZ. It's because Richard seems to be lost in the city underneath London which looks like a complete different world. In his quest to find his way home, he and door and hunter and the Marque de Carabas.. took up a task from Inshlington. so its like the angel is the wizard and Richard and his friends are like dorothy and the lion the scarecrow and the tin man. Besides in the book there are joke lines such as.. "yes and he can give u a brain and me a heart." lol

So anyway, the book is interesting. I had this book since last year but I just set it aside coz I proiritized in reading my paranormal porn books first. Especially if there's a new LKHamilton book out in the market. Going back to the book, as I read its pages, it tells you about friendship, accepting your life and what life is offering you and sacrificing everything for something you most want to do. The book doesn't really makes sense but in a context makes sense. lol now i'm the one who is not making sense. Anyway... just like any NG novels this is interesting and quite amusing. Also like any novels of NG, NEVERWHERE also have a graphic novel version. There is a TV series already aired in BBC back in 1996 and the DVD is out aswell. But in NG's twitter account he has mentioned that a movie of NEVERWHERE is in planning along with his other books.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Skin Trade

It has been a year for me that I have waited for this book. Finally it was out and I needed to wait further for my payday in able to buy the book but... It was worth the wait.

Skin Trade, 17th novel of Laurell K Hamilton's Anita Blake Series. I am a bit disappointed, Micah was not in the book. That's like 2 succeeding books without my favorite NimeRaj "wereleopard king" When I was reading this book, it took me back to Obsidian Butterfly. Why? with reasons that Edward was there, Olaf and Bernardo and it didn't happen in st. Louis, it happened outside state like in Obsidian Butterfly.

Now we all know that Vittorio is back in this book, with a vengence. He mailed the head of the local executioner of Las Vegas to Anita, so she flew to Vegas with out even talking to Jean-claude. It is nice for a change that Richard isn't mentioned in this book. Good ridding, his becaming a pain in the ass for both JC and AB anyway. But a lot of interesting revelation has been uncovered in this book. For example, Marmee Noir, a.k.a mommy dearist was a necromancer before she became a vampire. I did not add shapeshifter coz we already know that in the previous books. Also Vittorio isn't really Vittorio his name was Father Day or Father of the Tigers. Apparantly in the book it hinted that Vittorio and Marmee has some pass and eventually their greed of power has became the reason the two of them has turned agianst each other. This time Skin Trade is not full of sex and sex in almost all pages and no more crime solving thing as compared to the middle books of this series which most fans back when this series started actaully hated. Skin Trade looks like it revive the essence of the series from the very beginning. Murder investigations, police work and a lot less of the vampire politics. But the sex is still there in the later part. hehe.

LKH hasn't disappointed me yet in her ABVH novels. I'm still going to collect them all and read them all. Its unlike any vampire books I have read. Not to mention, its the only vamp series I know where vampires and other preternatural creatures are legal citizins of the world. For me nothing could beat the ABVH series. I hope the TV series that they are making will not a disappointment. But I believe LKH's desision on that. I mean look at the marvel version of ABVH, it is word for word with the book. I hope it will be the same in the TV series.